DsgnIt cover

Interior Studio group in DsgnIt

Interior Studio Group was mentioned in the design magazine DsgnIt as a part of their December cover of UK best interior designer offices.

In the cover article they mentioned of our long lasting career and some of our more recent work. This is a direct quote from the article:

Interior Studio Design group almost needs no introduction. The UK studio is building excellent solutions for 2 decades now, and is never ceasing to surpirse.

Similique et necessitatibus illo, ipsum sint quas velit harum rem consequuntur delectus vero nobis alias excepturi ratione vel debitis voluptatem odio unde eveniet aut illum obcaecati nam officia inventore! Impedit rerum ea ad iusto facilis itaque fugiat modi magnam, fuga possimus alias ex rem enim laudantium incidunt aliquid quia eveniet quae quibusdam, autem corrupti dolore placeat nobis commodi! Reiciendis saepe placeat error culpa, voluptas corporis corrupti dolores minima ullam totam nulla, mollitia suscipit. Sunt consequatur quos quidem dolores perferendis nulla animi, non ipsa blanditiis debitis repellat porro eos nemo itaque alias impedit sint veritatis perspiciatis, id laboriosam iusto asperiores.

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Interior house award

Inscripto house won Crafta award

The interior design of the Inscripto house project won the Crafta award in January of 2017.

The winning architect duo of Michelson-Derrington poured their hart and soul in the rich design of the Sussex based house, which was recognized on the annual Crafta awards in London back in January of 2017. Over more than 15 great entries, the Inscripto house was deemed the most creative solution, incorporating interesting lighting solutions with natural flow of the terrain.

The judges loved the naturalism and subtle escapism in the project – a modern house with a big garden, that was completely reconfigured to give the owners space to enjoy the serenity from the busy lifestyle. The open spaces inside house with glass walls give the house a nice warmth during the entire year.

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